Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

~ Family & Friend Updates ~

~~ Ella in her crib~~
~~ My handsome husband, David~~
~~ Just being a girl~~
~~ Bryanna and Mark are expecting their first baby in Sept....Congrats~~
~~ Ella is going to be one years old on April 8th, coming up!~~
~~Me and Dave at the "Brad Paisley" concert....so good!~~
~~ Almost walking~~
~~ Ella having a snack after a long nap~~
~~ Not much longer for the new Hurley to arrive. We had a really nice photo shoot at my place,to show off her beautiful belly. They are due May 9th, and I can't wait!~~
~~ Uncle Lucas, being the great uncle that he is. What a hand full~~
~~ Ella does Daddy let you do that on Fridays, when I'm at work~~
~~ Abby showing Ella how things are done~~
~~This is my backyard, I got to wake up to a beautiful rainbow. It put a BIG smile on my face~~
~~ I think these tree's in the park behind our house are beautiful. But in the summer they block my nice warm sun...then I hate them again~~
OX~~ My two amazing people in my life...Ella and David~~XO
~~ Ella and her cousin Nick, they both will be turning #1 in April~~
~~ Ella having a warm bottle after a nap.While I was dancing around her with some music. The things you do to make your baby giggle~~
~~Ella on one of our walks~~
~~Ella checking out my playlist....She loves"Adele"....So relaxing!~~


The Hoegler Family said...

I hope Ella is feeling better now. I finally got to look at your blog too. It's been a while. I love the pictures, and especially the video of her walking. She is amazing for her age.

Take care!
Love, Hege

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Ella Update!
What happens on Fridays, you will never know ;)

Amy said...

Bryanna's having a baby! WOOO HOOOO! that is so exciting! It;s also very exciting that that Ella is going to be one! She is sooo adorable!
Ps - where did you get the Decals? stencils? above Ella's crib? I have been wanting to spell out happily ever after above jer and I's bed....but not sure how to go about it!