Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Good girls go to Heaven, bad girls go to Vegas"

Well we made it home in one piece. It was a really great 3 days of being with the girls. We shopped,gambled,walked,drank, and ate...and ate...and ate some more! . It's amazing to think we were all able to do everything we all wanted to do in such a short time. I even got the girls to ride the Roller Coaster in New York,New York (but not Trisha,chicken...xoxox!). I thought we were all going to see each other on the other side, but we pulled through. It was crazy, maybe because we sat at the very back of the ride. The next night while Laurie and Trisha gambled and saw the sights. Mom, April and I saw "Blue Man Group" at the Venitian Hotel. It was so amazing! The blue men are so funny and the show totally "BLUE" me away....hee! If you ever are in Vegas,don't miss it! The trip couldn't have been any better.

Even though we didn't win BIG,I felt very lucky being there with some very special lady's in my life. Thank you all for coming, see you next year! hee....Kisses....

1 comment:

Allyson said...

It's amazing what you can cram into a few short hours isn't it! It looks like the 5 of you had such a great time. Thanks for sharing the fun and games. xx