Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Doc's Report!!!

Well I had one of my last doctors apointment on Monday morning. So I'm already 2 cm dialated and my cervix is soft plus the head is down. All very good news, but he thinks it won't be to much longer,and for sure not over due! But who knows.....I understand I can be dialated at 2 cm for weeks, but I'm not sure how long I've already been dialating for?????? It already could be weeks in. So here I am still working half days know and just waiting. Everybody at work thinks I'm nuts and should be at home, but I wouldn't be able to stand it if I was stuck at home with no baby for a long time! I would go crazy just thinking about it. So there we go, anytime know!!!

AND WERE READY......I want to see our baby!please...hee hee.


Anonymous said...

All goes well for them who have patience.
He/she is coming!
Take care.

Allyson said...

JoJo and Dave, thinking happy thoughts of you as you wait for the newest member of your family to arrive. So exciting. I know April and Nick will keep us updated with all your exciting news. Hugs and Love, Allyson and Dick

The Hoegler Family said...

Oh I am so excited to find out what gender it is. I can hardly wait myself. I believe Ilana was dilated like that for more then two weeks too when she had Madison. I on the other hand had my last appointment in the morning the day it all started and was not dilated at all, so things can change fast.
Good luck!

Love from Hege

cathy said...

Well my darling Jolene! We wish you all of the best! Be it tomorrow or 4 weeks from now! Enjoy the process of becoming parents! It will change your life (for the better!)

I won't bore you with details, BUT I have walked around at 4 cms for 3 weeks. The doc couldn't understand why labour never kicked in lol. But, the good thing about babies is that they DO come out! They never stay in lol!

Enjoy the transition! You will do fine! Wishing you baby dust and happy times together as a family of three!

We are excited for you all!!!

With love,

The E Eight xo

Allyson said...

Hi JoJo, just checking in. Hope all is well. xxx