Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

Friday, April 4, 2008

Not yet!

Well everybody,

I'm know 2 days over due and I had a doctors apointment today. I'm still 3 cm dialated and the head is very low. I will be having another doctor apointment on the Monday April 7th (my sista in law April's birthday).If still nothing I have a apointment at the hospital the next day for a stress test for the baby(not to worry). And if still nothing......there is an inducing date set(but not telling). So for all those who have been wondering, thats whats on the agrenda if nothing happens on it's own.

I'm exited that I see a light at the end of the tunnel. It's nice to know we will be having this baby within the next week .....NO MORE WAITING!!!! David and I are very exited and we can't wait to have the next blog saying "We had a baby".

So stay tuned.........



1 comment:

Allyson said...

For your sake, I hope you don't need to wait until Monday. I know this much for sure, if you do, that is a Beautiful Day to have a Beautiful Baby! Or Tuesday! ha ha, my birthday.

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for a safe and speedy delivery. Dick and Allyson :)